It may not look like it, but it actually takes about five moving parts to make YJDGU work.
- to help us collect links
- Flickr to provide the nifty, updated-as-it-happens banner above
- Feedburner to help us syndicate this blog
- FeedBlitz to deliver your email updates every morning
- TypePad to put the results up on the blog hosted at
Last week, two of those parts -- and TypePad -- failed to talk to one another. We saw this problem in various places on the Internet.
As such, twelve links that we wanted to share with all 35 of you didn't make it out there.
Breaking News: Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered... (PG: Hey... When I get it wrong, I'm man enough to admit it. Oh, wait...)
Georgia bar features personal beer taps (PG: And to think that the laws in Chicago ban bottle service, time-in-force happy hours, two-for-one drinks, etc. etc. etc.)
Regrowing organs... regenerative powder | Pó regenerativo para orgãos. (LET: Muito interessante. Sigam o link and assistam o video. || Very interesting. Follow the link and check out the video.)
Barack Obama super cool campaign move | Tática muito legal da campanha do Barack Obama
Playful Measuring Jug | Jarro de medida divertido
The making of... concrete rings | Fazendo...anéis de concreto. (LET: Amei! || Love it!)
Terminator Goes Back In Time To Save Jesus (PG: "The Greatest [Action] Story Ever Told." Happy Easter, everyone.)
What Will Life Be Like in the Year 2008? (PG: It's not so much what this 1968 article got right about 2008, but what it got *almost* right. (Hat-tip: TechCrunch))
Get ready to pay $35 for movie tickets ("A group of investors have partnered to bring luxury cinemas to the U.S. from Australia and they think Americans are ready to plunk down $35 for a movie ticket.")
Photoshop on the Web | Photoshop online
The can and the food inside the can | A embalagem e a comida dentro da emabalagem (LET: Clique em "nachstes" pra seguir em frente. Tem muitas! || Click on "nachstes" to keep going. They have tons!)
DNA test is easy now | Teste de DNA é fácil agora (LET: Agora da pra comprar teste de DNA na farmácia ou encomendar online! || Now you can buy a DNA test at a drugstore or order online!)