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PG: Great piece by John Stossel
LET: Amei a ideia! || I love the idea!
LET: O trababalho desta artista e maravilhoso...mas $400 dolares cada e meio caro...concordam? || This artist work is wonderful... but $400 each is a little much.... agree?
PG: Don't eat the orcs. Yuck.
LET: Interessante...Brasil equivale ao estado de Nova York. || Interesting...Brazil is equivalent to New York state.
LET: Estava esperando alguma coisa parecida aparecer na net...comecei a adicionar a familia! || I was waiting for something like to show up on the internet...I've started to add my family.
PG: Nerds in politics. Film at 11pm.
PG: Yes, I'm a nerd. No, I don't think I'm going to get away with this at the new place.
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